
Moving Home

After graduating I moved back to my parent's house in Franklin. Most people would dread moving back in with their parents. I really don't mind. Our basement became a project during my past semester whenever I was home. The living room, bathroom, and bedroom were completely decked out with what I felt made the space my own.

Not to mention, my mom is the ultimate Goodwill/garage sale/thrift store shopper for furniture. Much of which we refinished, changing the original look completely. My dad is a fabulous painter, who could truly make a living from it if he chose. Their flares have formed my new living quarters, along with my many interests and styles. I am pleased with the outcome of our work, and I find myself loving where I am.

My Bedroom

A little of my living room-- and cat.

1 comment:

  1. Madi it looks so beautiful!!! Can definitely see your Anthropologie influence. Also love your framed Angel Oak photo! xx


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